Wincer Kievenaar were engaged to produce a scheme for a difficult site within the conservation area of Dedham for the removal of a car repair garage and its replacement with a new two storey dwelling.
Architects, Craig Western & Staszek Stuart-Thompson, engaged with Council Planning Officer James Ryan, Heritage Officer Tanya Szendeffy, Urban Designer, Paul Sallin, and Head of Planning Simon Cairns to revise an originally submitted contemporary scheme and create a more traditional scheme that would meet the client’s requirements for layout and scale.
The application was called into Colchester Borough Council and was approved unanimously on Thursday 28th September 2017.
Councillor Jackie McLean
“This building if it can be built out as it is seen (in the planning drawings) would be an asset to Dedham. A difficult site, I think it would be done in a very nice and sympathetic manner which would enhance the area. It is a shame they couldn’t have been done like this. Its been well thought out and I’d like to propose it as is with the recommendation for approval.”
Councillor Chris Pearson
“I listened with encouragement to Officer’s description of the nature of the build and the potential for enhancement. From what I have seen I am not convinced otherwise… ”
“We are mindful of what the Parish Council has said, but having rejected a very modern design we go to look at something which is practicable for the site. The permitted development rights will be removed so they have had to look at a building in which they can fit everything in. Yes it is slightly taller than Councillor Chapman would like, but it would fit in quite nicely with the area. Since we are taking away the permitted development rights, they won’t be able to put anything else in, so they have had to get it right now.”