Dwelling in Sproughton gains Planning Permission

Dwelling in Sproughton gains Planning Permission

May 27, 2021


The proposal replaces a previously demolished bungalow on the site with a contemporary cottage design that is sympathetic to the character and appearance of the area. The use of timber cladding as opposed to render or brick, reflects the nature of its open agricultural field setting, and helps prevent an urbanisation of its context.  The one and a half storey scale with distinctive steeply pitched dormer windows seeks to visually enhance its setting, and will receive long distance views over the adjacent fields.

The plan is more compact than the previous dwelling, offering more area to enjoy the garden.  The separate lower scale garage leaves a gap for the neighbouring Cherwell House to remain visible.  Pushing the new house slightly deeper into the plot provides a greater backdrop of trees to help its integration.

The sympathetic and modern use of cedar shingles as cladding will weather grey and blend in tone and colour with the surrounding countryside.  Use of a timber frame, high insulation values, solar orientation and natural daylighting, integrated photovoltaic panels in dark metal and slate roofs, and an air source heat pump help reduce the embodied and operational carbon and create a sustainable dwelling.

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