An exciting project to revitalise the Samuel Ward Academy and create a new Sixth Form centre as well as classrooms and community facilities for Haverhill is currently in the early design stages.
Headmaster Andy Hunter approached WK with a vision to help realise the Samuel Ward Academy as a regional leader in STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). The previous demolition of central classrooms had left two large flat mounds in the heart of the campus. Understanding the need to connect the disparate parts of the site together, whilst establishing a focal entrance point and outside sheltered space, a circular arrangement of blocks was chosen. This creates a new congregational ‘heart’ to the Academy, with a covered walkway linking between classrooms and the pathways off to the corners of the campus. A new two storey Sixth Form facility establishes a covered entrance into the site and new private Sixth Form study garden. New classrooms dedicated to Engineering, Technology, Dance and Art each have their own equal status around the courtyard with dedicated landscaping for outside creative learning. The Drama and Music Theatre will be enlarged and renovated and become a hub for the wider community and public productions.
A connection is drawn from a nationally famous ‘Ruffles’ Windmill which was situated within a short distance from the campus, whose excellent engineering and design incorporated the first full-size ‘annular’ sail in the world. It’s heritage and memorialisation in the architecture will help inspire the next generation of scientists, engineerings and artists from Haverhill.
The Academy will be engaging with its students, parents and wider community after the Summer holidays with an aim towards an eventual Planning Application.
Fundraising will be necessary to realise the project and we hope any interested parties can make contact via architect Mr S Stuart-Thompson or via Mrs K Franks at the Samuel Ward Academy
Samuel Ward Academy – Existing open area in the centre of the site.
A photograph of the open site in the heart of the Academy. A new entrance barbican will be created aligned with the existing path and flag poles seen in the distance.
Samuel Ward Academy – New Sixth Form and entrance Barbican building. A separate staircase and walled garden leads to the dedicated study, seminar and IT rooms for the Sixth Form students.
An aerial view of the new building arrangement.